Daniella Wesseling explores the workings of the mind through layered, semi-transparent canvases. Her paintings, typically consisting of three or four layers, blend colors and voids, creating dynamic, ever-changing appearances. The use of oil paint enhances this fluidity, offering depth and richness as light interacts with the surface.
Wesseling’s portraits, often of young women with dreamy expressions, evoke the fragile beauty of the 18th-century Pre-Raphaelites. These figures seem to invite viewers into their minds, posing the playful question of who is watching whom.
Her abstract works, reminiscent of Paul Klee, incorporate geometric and organic shapes, suggesting mandalas and totems. Influenced by Piet Mondrian and traditional Indonesian art, Wesseling uses geometry to evoke emotions and bring order to chaos.
Educated at St. Joost School of Art and Design in Breda, Wesseling has exhibited nationally and internationally. Notable venues include Brutus Art Space in Rotterdam and the Rag Factory Gallery in London. Her work, featured in multiple art fairs, is part of many collections. Her painting “The Eye” was shortlisted for the Dutch Portrait Prize 2023, earning third place in the public award. Wesseling lives and works in Rotterdam, continually exploring themes of pain, depth, and the interplay of dimensions in her art.