Jim Morris is President of Pixar Animation Studios, overseeing its productions and operations since 2005. Under his supervision, Pixar released acclaimed films like “Ratatouille,” “Up,” “Toy Story 3,” and “Inside Out.” He produced the award-winning “WALL.E,” earning an Academy Award® and several other prestigious awards. Morris also produced the live-action Disney feature “John Carter.” Before Pixar, Morris spent 17 years at Lucasfilm Ltd., where he managed divisions like Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) and contributed to groundbreaking visual effects in films such as “Jurassic Park” and “Terminator 2.”

Morris’ career includes producing credits on notable films like “The Abyss,” which won an Academy Award® for Best Visual Effects. He has received numerous honors, including the Producers Guild Digital 50 Award and the Visual Effects Society Founders Award. A member of AMPAS, PGA, BAFTA, VES, and ASIFA, Morris served as President of the San Francisco Film Commission and Founding Chair of VES. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Film and a Master of Science in Television/Radio from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School.

Humid for the Desert, 2013, Chromogenic Print, Ed. 7/25, 24.5×9 in. (framed)
Parking, 2013, Chromogenic Print, Ed. 3/25, 26×9 in. (framed)
New Growth, 2013, Chromogenic Print, Ed. 2/25, 13.5×9 in. (framed)
Hacienda, 2017, Chromogenic Print, Ed. 1/10, 26.5×18 in. (framed)
Pyramid of The Moon, 2017, Chromogenic Print, Ed. 1/10, 24×17.5 in. (framed)
Noon in Beijing, 2017, Chromogenic Print, Ed. 1/10, 24×18.5 in. (framed)
Forbidden City, 2017, Chromogenic Print, Ed. 1/10, 24×18.5 in. (framed)
Argentina, 2017, Chromogenic Print, Ed. 1/10, 24×18.5 in. (framed)
The Phone Company, 2013, Chromogenic Print, Ed. 2/25, 9×24.5 in. (framed)